
AMPRA 2021

Allendorfer, W. H. (2021, October). Situational elicitations: Developing grounded scenarios for pragmatics research. 5th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association.

AAAL 2021

Allendorfer, W. H. (2021, March). Collecting situation-bound utterances from conventional scenarios of use. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) 2021 Virtual Conference.

PLL 2020

Allendorfer, W. H. (2020, April). Situational elicitations: Developing grounded scenarios for pragmatics production studies. 20th International Conference on Pragmatics and Language Learning. (Conference Canceled)

AMPRA 2018

Allendorfer, W. H. (2018, November). Situational elicitation: Establishing Situation-Bound Utterances and L2 applications. 4th International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association.


Allendorfer, W. H. (2017, November). Problematizing writing prompts. INTESOL 2017.

AMPRA 2016

Allendorfer, W. H. (2016, November). #NotInMyName: A disavowal speech act on Twitter. 3rd International Conference of the American Pragmatics Association.

AOIR 2015

Allendorfer, W. H., & Herring, S. C. (2015, October). ISIS vs. the U.S. Government: A war of online video propaganda. Selected Papers of Internet Research 16: The 16th Annual Meeting of the Association of Internet Researchers.


Connolly, M., Burghardt, B., Allendorfer, W., Butryn, S., Swanson, K. (2015, November). Cite this! Plagiarism in the L2 classroom. INTESOL 2015.


ISIS vs. the U.S. government: A war of online video propaganda

Allendorfer, W. H., & Herring, S. C. (2015). ISIS vs. the U.S. government: A war of online video propaganda. First Monday, 20(12-7, December).


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